7 years ago
[Crochet Things] Current WIP

latest #12
thats literally your life now, isn't it?
7 years ago
It really is.
7 years ago
Thank you!
7 years ago
cute! I love how you skipped from 'I can sort of make a chain, look!' to 'this is my professional-looking masterpiece' ;P
7 years ago
don't do anything by halves, huh? XD
7 years ago
Jaetopus Yeah... I kind of don't like doing a thing unless I can really do a thing. This turned into one of those complusive I MUST DO THIS THING PERFECT deals.
7 years ago
however I am chill enough about it I don't sweat the small boo-boos.
7 years ago
it is a craft where boo-boos are easily fixed
7 years ago
Jaetopus this is true.
7 years ago
in the two months since I started, I have made 2 large blankets, 3 scarves, one Kraken, a little lion, a bunch of pieces for a blanket I haven't pieced together yet, and I started this spiral blanket yesterday.
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