I'm like an hour in and....
DEFINITELY not playing Gladio in multiplayer ever
Also being bumped all the way down to level 24, with a level 52 Cor, and a bare handful of potions kinda sucks.
Among the things Noctis learned from Gladio:
Jumping before successfully picking things up
Including, apparently, giant crumbling pillars in the middle of fights
I had a Moment when I beat some things to death with one and was still holding it because while the game will happily tell you how to pick one up, it doesn't tell you how to put it down again.
Also the Enkidu fight sucked. That fucker hits hard.
Cor is made of lightning, too.
And the scenery is very pretty.
I'm about an hour in and have to stop because noms will be ready shortly, so we'll see what I think as time goes on.
You can only keep 20 pictures, too, so I'm gonna be doing a lot of uploading and deleting XD
Which one is it who yells "HARD AND FAST!" Cor or Gladio?
Pretty sure that was Gladio
Cor goes "Pathetic!" and "Too slow."
And I'm never sure if he's calling the enemies pathetic, or my attempts, because he always seems to say it when I fall on my ass.
The music is also excessively Lightning Returns-y
I'mma nap, then play some
including Gladio being an ass-falling loser 8D /mean
I think I'mma like Cor too much /hugs him
nobody will be surprised XD
Gilgamesh was a doddle, and Gladio is just adorable
Although I do want to know why he didn't have any sort of reaction to Gilgamesh calling Noctis "The Last King of Lucis"
Like, yo, Gilgamesh, spoilers bruh.
As far as Gladio is concerned they're off to Altissia to meet Lunafreya.
And yet weirdly nice about kicking my ass
Mind you, he'd be easier if you had more than one phoenix down and three potions for that fight.
I had him down more than halfway.
Dude, I tried fighting him but fucksake he is hard. The thing you have to do to get Gladio's half naked outfit? it's almost not worth it
You only have to do Score Attack mode.
Like, complete it? Because I keep getting my ass kicked by Gilgamesh at the end!
.... I dunno if completing it is necessary because I uh... did XD
Spam the fuck out of maelstrom and dual master, hold block a lot
Apparently you need a score of 500,00+ to unlock it.
Holy shit, the couple of times I've done it I've only been at luke 249,000 by the time I get to Gilgamesh!
Dude, how the fuck did you do that XD
You get bonuses for time left, bonuses for items remaining, and bonuses for successful parries.
Damn, I don't think I'm ever getting half naked Gladio!
I got both the Jump Up And Punch The Red Giant one and the Pick Up A Dude And Swing Him Into Other Dudes ones to activate
Just sayin' though, there is no way in good god damned hell Gladio and co. died at the end of this game. Gladio can take on much stronger shit than that. On his toddy.
Also, you're right, there's no way they died. All still alive and happy.
Yes, yes we can. Though Jim may know already.
I was having a lovely time. Gladio made me all happy, Cor was being a cutie. Got a cool new sword... THEN MY FEELS FUCKING HELL
I'm not ready for Episode Prompto
RIGHT IN THE HEART. My poor Chocoboy
I still wanna know where he got the coat
Just noticed - the topless outfit makes Gladio lose his chest scar... bummer!
I want to know where he got his coat winter ensemble
It's just gonna be two hours of tears, isn't it
Did you play Chapter 13: Verse 2?
God yes. It was a fucking delight!
Is it bad I'm disappointed it was so bloody short?
I was traipsing around that fucking place for HOURS as Noct, why do Gladio and Ignis get to be done with it in half an hour?
TELL ME ABOUT IT! I'm gonna have to do the run as Noct to see if there's been any difference other than the suped up ring powers
It also didn't do much explaining, really. It was just a "Hey, so here's how Ravus died".
I'd have liked a bit more time with the two grown ups.
It just made me ask more questions, really as far as Ravus was concerned. like, he's okay with Noct now? Buh?
Ignis and Gladio were cute though
I do find it hilarious that Gladio keeps putting his hand up to hold Ignis back from danger
Gladio - "Tell me how to do the technology, I'm outdoorsy."
Ignis - "Yes, dear."
Gladio, Gladdy, Gladiolus, bruh....
He's can't see you doing that
The first he's going to know that you're holding your hand up at him
Is when you get a handful of his tit
...Maybe that's his plan....
I do wonder what the brief little conversation they had at the start was about, though.
...wait is this about Gladio groping some Iggytiddy
And discuss all the spoilers you want, I literally found Episode Gladio in its entirety on youtube yesterday pre-release and spoiled myself for the end because I needed Cor in my eyes that badly, I don't give a fuck about the Prompto stinger (???) being spoiled
When Ignis is clearly kicking himself and says he should have been more careful, and Gladio tells him to focus on what he can do....
Well Gladio will keep putting his hand out at Iggy's chest level rather than just saying "Hold up," or something.
You know, something that isn't a strictly visual cue for the blind person.