The Cage
7 years ago
Game Recommendations?
latest #20
The Cage
7 years ago
So, I'm thinking of tipping my toe back into RPing.
7 years ago
Hey, bud!
The Cage
7 years ago
Any places that you all would recommend?
The Cage
7 years ago
7 years ago
I'm in Empatheias at the moment. It's a bit slice of life and a character's emotions have a physical presence in the world.
7 years ago
Considering Lagunbiru if you're up for smut games.
7 years ago
I think there's a new one that's a take off of Amat too.
7 years ago
Pathema is the Amat spinoff
The Cage
7 years ago
I'm tabbing all of these to look at a bit later.
7 years ago
There's also a new Oglaf game, Kingdom Comes.
The Cage
7 years ago
Ah, fun.
Freakin Bat
7 years ago
I'm in Recollé and Tanagura with Remilia...
7 years ago
How are these games with Applications? :-o
7 years ago
Tough apps?
7 years ago
I wouldn't mind playing some smut and stuff, I'm just interested in a more relaxed place /o\
The Cage
7 years ago
No idea.
Freakin Bat
7 years ago
recollé's apps are a bit tough...
7 years ago
only in the fact that is an AU memloss at the start but the characters can regain their past selves
7 years ago
but i find the game mechanics fun it's a bit like Save the Earth in some respects but some of the character regains give the city new things like chocobos are real
7 years ago
From what I can tell, Pathema's app is ridiculously easy
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