7 years ago
okay so the box of yarn I got in the mail today miiiiiiight mean I have a bit of a spending problem.

latest #49
7 years ago
I should also be sleeping
7 years ago
I also have 3 projects ive been commissioned for and
7 years ago
having just reorganized my yarn (moving it from three small bags to one huge bag) I have realized much the same thing
7 years ago
and I don't even have projects, just 'this will make a pretty scarf' fifty seven times
7 years ago
the ad tho
7 years ago
I started out like that now it has become "I need 8 skeins to make a blanket." then we'll I'm making a blanket I should get 8 more.
7 years ago
ahaha it knows
7 years ago
and yeah, I'm making a baby blanket for a friend who... may have already had a baby
7 years ago
(kid was due on the 15th or the 25th, recently)
7 years ago
I have one that is for a teacher at my son's school due before the end of the school year so I have some time.
7 years ago
one for my roommate's gf's toddler- I should get done sooner rather than later.
7 years ago
one for me since I've made nothing for myself.
7 years ago
yeah, I need to carve out some time to do it now that I've got a job again
7 years ago
another octopus
7 years ago
squiddly friends!
7 years ago
and a few things for birthdays in the next few months.
7 years ago
theoretically I can use the same blanket loom for angular shawls? I would have to look up how, though
yarn is so expensive but i love yarn
7 years ago
the oldest wants a larger octpus. he thinks they're the coolest.
7 years ago
(probably a case of just doubling up stitches every x-number of rows to decrease them)
7 years ago
DryadGurrl that makes sense /nod
sentient gate
7 years ago
i totally read yarn as yam
7 years ago
YouTube probably has videos.
sentient gate
7 years ago
and was so confused
7 years ago
big ol' box of yam!
7 years ago
komikbookgeek I love it so..
7 years ago
mm mm good!
sentient gate
7 years ago
hey man i'd be happy about it xD
7 years ago
mutedtempest I have a yam problem yo
sentient gate
7 years ago
same, i buy them all the time, it's frightening
sewing also causes this problem /slides fabric pile behind curtain
7 years ago
paracosm oh man all the fabric...
7 years ago
mutedtempest now I want a baked sweet potato.
I might have ordered more on monday... maybe. ITS SO PRETTY AND ON CLEARANCE SHH
7 years ago
I bought a bunch of sale yarn to make my youngest Totoro
7 years ago
paracosm you were talking about this material! you got some!!?
I have some already, I got some extras before it sold out... hnngh
7 years ago
jealous! I want to make super cute skirts and purses and matching wallets to mix and match for ever with that
some of it has metallic bits
which is great by our standards
I don't make people sized clothes though
my new big goth dolly is gonna ger herself some new frocks though
7 years ago
oooo best dressed dolly
7 years ago
oh man those are so great.
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