7 years ago
[RL]/ So the doll is finally in town. When I get packages, they usually go through three post offices here before they get to me. FedEx dropped it at the second one this morning, where it's been sitting all day.
latest #9
7 years ago
It's supposed to be delivered tomorrow, and it had better. If I get a 'Out for delivery' notice that then changes to 'Available for pick up' again, I swear to-
7 years ago
I can have it redelivered if they do that, but it'd have to be Friday and if the mail comes early Friday and I'm not here because I'm stuck at my urology follow up...yeah. Not happy won't begin to cover it.
7 years ago
And Saturday is my happy fun eye exam, and whenever they dilate my eyes I have to go into hiding in the Realm of Darkness for eight hours.
7 years ago
Think positive.
7 years ago
7 years ago
Like the fact that I now have an accomplice for my cover story if the doll gets here when Nick's home. And after the fact, obviously. This doll is totally going to be an Unexpected Gift from a Very Dear Friend. I'm gonna have to be the best actress ever, but I can do that.
7 years ago
I hate that I have to do that, I can't just say 'Yeah, my money, my doll, it makes me feel better, by the way didn't you drop $400 of mom's money on concert tickets last year?' but I'm tired of the yelling.
7 years ago
I'm tired of always being the one in the wrong, even when I'm not.
7 years ago
Besides the doll, the dragon for the doll might also arrive tomorrow, and it's falling under the same story. So we'll see how this goes. I'm at least hoping that he doesn't see the doll for a few days to a week.
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