Callousnymph - Larxene, one variation of her sobriquet.
daddyslittleheadache - Refia, uh... self explanatory XD
Declaregamuza and Destroytiburon, Nel and Halibel respectively, it's their activation commands, in English.
Doesthissmellofchloroform - Hojo. The joke is that it's the only chat up line he knows.
GracefulDahlia - Marluxia, it's his weapon.
Hearstheplanet - Aerith, because she uh.. does.
Innatelunacy - Saix. He's a moon powered berserker, in his canon. He doesn't need moonlight to do it in Spira, fortunately, but the name stays.
Joinmyreunion - Kadaj. It's his shikai activation command, and a nod to his obsession with Jenova's reunion in canon.
LawlietSchiffer - L. This would be his real name XD
NotJustAnyOldDude - Xigbar, a quote of his from KH2.
Palehornedprince - Yylfordt, activation command.
Sipthehoneylikeabutterfly - Szayel, iirc it's a translation of a line from one of his songs.
Soundfivebitch - Tayuya. You may stress either five or bitch for accuracy.
TaciturnStalwart - One of the newer translations for Lexaeus, formerly known as the Silent Hero.
Thatsit - Ignis. Ten minutes playing FFXV will explain that one.
Theprinceofpain - Noctis. Gladio calls him this when he kills a thing in a fight.
Tozasemurcielago - Ulquiorra. Activation command, original language(s).
There's also Averagepinkhairedcatgirl for Bonita, a childhood friend of Ulquiorra's, who is a uh... pink haired catgirl.
And NoirDiem for the OC, Noir, which finds the name amusing, and kept it.
and omg the Ignis one, nice.
Jim clocked its availability XD