Guys! Snack Crate is the best. We got so much snacks and goodies for Easter! I loved it. Thank you Korea! Can't wait to see what the next country will be :-))
latest #11
jennah_jinx: I get all kinds of silly during snack time! Ugh, that one cupcake did taste like mustard!! Haha
jennah_jinx: You'd love it! It's very delicious but idk how much it would be per month for you I think the 'company' is out of American? I'm not for sure I'll look for the link
Ðixxie Mint says
7 years ago
omg i want this
Ðixxie Mint says
7 years ago
but sheeet always so expensive to come to canada and it's 10 dollars off your first crate
jennah_jinx: hehe YAS!! She can send you the best ones and skip the cupcake haha
Glitterface: it's awesome! I love it so far! Yeah I hope they find a better and cheaper way to send for customers
That are out of the USA
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