7 years ago
People who take Testosterone: I injected last night. Today I have swelling several inches below that, beside my knee. Is this a worrisome thing?
latest #11
The Baron
7 years ago
I have noticed that when I do have any irritation after an injection, it is usually several inches below the actual injection spot. I haven't had any swelling, though- I'd call your Dr. about it just in case it's an allergic reaction or something.
Yeah I have never had that sorry
7 years ago
Hunh. I mean, I'm wary calling, I don't want to go in I don't have the time, but yeah, it's still swollen this morning and B pointed out it's warm to the touch. I iced it last night.
7 years ago
6 months on T and I've never had a reaction like this, so it's kinda weird.
Yeah that warrants a look at
7 years ago
Left vm for a nurse, since the doc is notoriously hard to reach. He's the only game in town for T. Next closest doc is in D.C.
you are far far closer to some surgeons than I am tho!
7 years ago
He's an endo not a surgeon, but that may still be true?
7 years ago
I really haven't looked into the surgery aspect yet.
Oh I know, just saying
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