She's been playing with my neck, when I'm fuzzy between shaves.
It's at a sandpaper stage atm, and when I came home from work she noticed it when she kissed me... and then she proceeded to rub her cheek on my neck.
I think she's coming around to the idea?
I wish I got sandpaper, mine's too fine still
My dad is Santa Claus, sooo...
His middle name is Harry.
My hair is terrible, here, but this is what I've got in my genetics.
So's my dad, it's just not growing face
I dunno. I am not sure what magic concoction does this. Genetics? Age? T dose?
It's growing on my neck, and I have a 15yr old's wussy stache, and it's thicker but basically invisble along my jaw and in all the spots on my face I would actually want it.
I can't grow anything that actually looks respectable yet, just enough to look terrible. XD
But I'm just glad it's there at all, so it's all good.
Facial hair is by far my biggest T-frustration. It needs to hurry the fuck up and go where I want it, rather than growing in weird-ass patterns that make it impossible to do anything with.
It seems to be picking up some pace now. But I keep reading shit about guys 1 year on T and they've got beards =/
I too have heard this. My best hair is in a patch to one side of my neck. I could totally grow a neckbeard?
But not, like, an actual beard.
Mine is coming in odd, mainly on the underside of the chin, and the down my neck, but taking forever in the middle. =/ A bit's starting up on the cheeks near the sideburn region, but it's way to spotty to do anything with.
Facial hair is so frustrating
On the plus side, the weird no-middle chin area hair is coming in evenly where it has, so it looks slightly deliberate. But it is still frustrating. So very, very frustrating.
I have this tiny bald patch that is SLOWLY filling in on the bottom of my chin
It's kind of reassuring to know it's awkward for everybody