7 years ago
So I kinda disappeared there for a bit. Sorry about that. I'll get my shit figured out, or I might drop for a bit. I'm not sure yet.
latest #16
7 years ago
I just don't want to just sit on Yoda and squeak by every month on the bare minimum, when he deserves more than that as a character.
7 years ago
are you doing okay
7 years ago
I've been having sort of a weird time of things lately. I don't know if it's cabin fever or what, but I just can't get my head together to do much of anything but the bare minimum lately. About the only thing I've been able to fully commit to is NieR: Automata on my PS4.
7 years ago
7 years ago
I beat Emil in his house today, and got around to finding and upgrading all of the game's weapons
7 years ago
and I got the Route D ending, but I fucked up during the credits thing and missed Ending E
7 years ago
I'm also now planning a genderbent A2 cosplay for the convention I go to every summer
7 years ago
Had a friend I've been crushing on *hard come up and stay this past weekend, and we got talking at one point about relationships and asexuality and stuff, and they confirmed something I've feared for a long time; that they don't, and probably never will think about me like that.
7 years ago
I love having them as a friend, but no one ever wants to hear that, especially right out of the horse's mouth
7 years ago
So I'm kind of fighting with myself over that.
7 years ago
Oh no. /Quietly loves on
I'm really sorry, I hope things improve for you :c
If you feel you need to drop don't stress about that too, your wellbeing is more important
7 years ago
I just feel bad, because I keep doing this. Every RP I try I end up dropping for one reason or another. I get involved and I get attached to people I RP with, and then I ghost because writing is hard and my brain has the capacity of a goldfish for most things
7 years ago
On the plus side, Emil's shop theme is adorable: NieR: Automata OST - Emil's Song
well at the very least I won't drop you just because you dropped Emp :3
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