7 years ago
Beating my head against the wall trying to get back into old RP accounts...
latest #12
7 years ago
I would welcome advice. Passwords were saved in the browser of my old comp. When I try to rest the password no email shows up.
7 years ago
When I try to reset and send it to the right email, it says no I can't use that email it's wrong.
7 years ago
Might be going to my briefly-used Reymonkeyrp email, which I also cannot get into.
7 years ago
I just... I lost so much, when that comp died. Even though I thought I had the hard drive mostly backed up.
7 years ago
I thought I had a little word doc with the passwords saved in it, but I can't find that either.
oh no
7 years ago
I do not want to have to remake all my accounts. Maybe I'm just being stubborn.
7 years ago
Sometimes the old passwords come to me abruptly, though? Just.. not the one I want when I want it.
Reymonkey is
7 years ago
there some secret way to retrieve old accounts?
7 years ago
Or to get into a linked gmail account off your main that is acting like it vanished?
7 years ago
Okay... I think IO got into the old gmail account..
7 years ago
It looks like I switched an alarming number of rp accounts to that email, which I then had lost the password to.
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