7 years ago
latest #20
7 years ago
This medication I'm on (hoping it's the medication??) is kind of ruining my life right now. And I have follow up appts etc etc so I'm hoping it will resolve soon. But until then, I need to not have an excuse to beat myself up and feel guilty all the time.
:-( Oh jeez... I feel you on the real life shitties lately though. Hope it gets sorted for you soon
7 years ago
I really really hope to return (sooner than later!) because I love playing Penny and I adore all of you and I seriously put this off already because it makes me so sad. plz hit me up for memes and things if you want. <3 I'm down to try to rp, I'm just really bad about being timely right now
7 years ago
sojourney: thanks friend. I appreciate the understanding and yeah, I know you're having a rough time right now too. :c fingers crossed we both get back on our feet asap
7 years ago
<3 don't worry about rp, you're always always welcome back when things clear up
I'm down for psling too
i'd love some kind of psl as well, either now or in future
and I'm sorry on life's behalf
Loup D'etat
7 years ago
miles you ass
7 years ago
miles you ass
7 years ago
I know the Medication Is Ruining My Life feel so if you ever need to talk about that I'm here
miles you ass
7 years ago
<3 we will miss you and hope you can come back soon!
hair cryptid
7 years ago
/hugs you will be missed but it's important to take care of yourself. <3
hair cryptid
7 years ago
hopefully life will sort it's out sooner rather than later
7 years ago
makaricrow sojourney: yes plz all the psls
7 years ago
thanks friends
7 years ago
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