so the queen is the head of the Church of England, right?
can she like... declare fascism and Brexit sins?
or condemn Nigel Farage as evil or something?
I cannot remotely imagine she's pleased about seeing the world embrace a big fucked up thing she already knows is terrible from her childhood
C of E is Protestant so its earthly authorities have no power to make bulls
it would also be extremely troubling to see her take a party political stance, because as head of state she is required to cooperate with all parties, no matter what they are.
if she started doing that sort of thing, she'd be acting far too much like a classic British monarch and we got rid of that system for extremely good and obvious reasons.
in the runup to Brexit, the Sun ran a front page saying QUEEN BACKS BREXIT saying 'a source' had told them the Queen was in favour of Brexit. the 'source' was Michael Gove, he made it up, and the Queen was outraged. the Sun got into trouble about it
that makes sense, and holy shit how did he think he'd get away with something like that
well, ultimately, they did. press regs in the UK amount to a slap on the wrist for good reason (no-one's going to say they want LESS press freedom, right?)
unfortunately we're now in a position where two or three extremely powerful people can promote fascism with 0 impunity