7 years ago
Yo, all, I return from the black hole that is the weekend.
latest #13
Welcome back!
7 years ago
sojourney Thank you! How was yours?
A good combo of restful and productive
7 years ago
That's good, and much better than mine tbh. Nothing really happened one way or another but..nothing really happened. xD Other than the gf and I deciding to get back into Star Wars. xD
Forced back into it, you mean? /shot for pun
7 years ago
You could say that, yes. (LOL) It was a stealth campaign of it coming up every five minutes in completely unrelated mediums, like an Overwatch player with 'Skyguy' as a username. Don't worry, I will never shoot people for bad puns, I make too many myself. xD
yes good, half us TS people are terrible punsters
7 years ago
So I have seen, to some degree. xD
miles you ass
7 years ago
mmm weekend
7 years ago
It was mostly sleeping and feeling not-so-hot for no good reason, with a side of 'what groceries can I get for 18 dollars to last the week'. I wanna repeat. :-( At least next weekend is birthday celebratings.
:-( I have done the grocery juggle and it sucks
But yay birthday things soon?
7 years ago
It does. Luckily we had some stuff. Yes, that is a good thing at least. I mean, I'll have to be here at work tomorrow n the actual day, but... ehh. XD
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