Cat Herder
7 years ago
I have a nonbinary friend living on my couch who escaped from a hideously abusive family that's now several states away. unfortunately, we are out of safe groceries that won't set off their serious food allergies.
latest #10
Cat Herder
7 years ago
they have Mast Cell Activation Disorder, so they have a very limited diet.
Cat Herder
7 years ago
they're on food stamps, but that won't come in until August 5th.
Cat Herder
7 years ago
I haaaate doing this, which is why I haven't yet, but if you could donate a few bucks to them, cash would be easiest if you're in the Albuquerque area
Cat Herder
7 years ago
and there's also Pay Alexandra Stauter
Cat Herder
7 years ago
or you could PayPal me at [email protected], and we can buy food at Dollar General with that, since that's the only grocery in my area that accepts PayPal
Cat Herder
7 years ago
also, Walmart store2store, or Western Union (unfortunately expensive)
Cat Herder
7 years ago
if you want proof that they exist, their Tumblr is lavenderautistic
Cat Herder
7 years ago
or I can take a picture of their couchbed or something
Cat Herder
7 years ago
please replurk if possible
Lord Zedd
7 years ago
we're doing the best we can but our standard cheap and easy meals aren't safe for them
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