7 years ago
Huh... Relearning plurk is... (999 unread plurks) View unread, mark as read Welp.
latest #17
7 years ago
welcome back!
7 years ago
So glad to be back!! <3
7 years ago
What have you been up to?
7 years ago
After the last twenty minutes of trying to summarize crap, just gonna say... Family crap. Work crap. Stupid crap. Siiiiigh,
7 years ago
well. crap.
7 years ago
Is it at least clearing out now or are you just learning to wade better?
7 years ago
Hmmmmm.... I think it's more getting used to the dramallamagramma 'poor me my children are living happy lives over an hour away so I cant micromanage them anymore!' I think the reality of being old with a full-time employed introvert as their main go-to is finally starting to sink in. I'm actually starting to get emotional/mental support from the rest of
7 years ago
the family. My parents are teaching in Turkey, my aunt and uncle are in Taiwan, my other aunt and uncle are in practically on the planet of Nebraska. My bro is on the other coast, our cousins are either tour guides or actually crazy.
7 years ago
No, really. Crazy.
7 years ago
So, yeah. I think it's half clearing, half wading.
7 years ago
well, one way or another it sounds like it's getting easier to keep your head above the surface so that's good.
7 years ago
And goodness, your family casts a wide net
7 years ago
Do you ever get a chance to meet up with each other in person or is it always kind of one person here, another there, and so on?
7 years ago
Thankfully the international family tends to flock home during the summer and occasionally during the winter holidaze, the family within the country has less reliable ability to visit... Ironically, everyone is starting to realize that the 'oddball, anti\
7 years ago
social (aka introvert) is being left in charge. MAYBE we should all start supporting her!
7 years ago
So to actually answer the question... Yeah, finally getting to get my head above water for a while. I hope!
7 years ago
That's good. It's nice to have support from the fam
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