Courier New
7 years ago
[TaZ Stolen Century Spoilers] I'M SO MAD
latest #52
Courier New
7 years ago
Courier New
7 years ago
It just so doesn't sit right with me that she basically took everyone's lives from them. Especially Davenport; she completely obliterated his mind
Courier New
7 years ago
She took Lup from Taako, oh god
Courier New
7 years ago
She took Lup from /Barry/
Courier New
7 years ago
All without consulting any of them
Courier New
7 years ago
All without talking to any of them
Courier New
7 years ago
She just stole it all.
7 years ago
once you get to it, the the the adventure zone zone segment on this is really good
7 years ago
but yeah, it's not supposed to be a good decision
Courier New
7 years ago
I didn't figure it was; I know Lucretia's particularly the type to take matters into her own hands
Courier New
7 years ago
She feels like she can make the hard decisions, and take all the suffering onto herself
Courier New
7 years ago
don't get me wrong I'm not mad at the podcast; it's damn good storytelling
7 years ago
no, I get you
Courier New
7 years ago
But god, those weren't her decisions to make.
Courier New
7 years ago
And they're all going to have to have a serious talk about this once they've saved the world, man
7 years ago
Courier New
7 years ago
Ok, Stolen Century over
Courier New
7 years ago
I'm honestly worried that putting the Grand Relics all in one place is what drew the Hunger in the first place
7 years ago
man you really did just blast through it
Courier New
7 years ago
Yeah I did; a lot of the work I do leaves plenty of bandwith for just Podcasting
Courier New
7 years ago
plus commutes, lunch breaks, and listening to an ep before bed; it's just that good
7 years ago
they don't actually address that, but it's kind of yes and no, that the hunger was going to find them anyway and already mostly had, and the accumulation of it kind of sped up the process
7 years ago
it was kind of a race on both ends, where the relics needed to be back together before the hunger arrived because the hunger was arriving anyway
Courier New
7 years ago
Yeah, as soon as I said that I remembered that the Hunger usually took a year anyways; it takes time, and wasn't it by act 4 that its scouts started appearing in the Etherial Plane?
7 years ago
pedal to the metal is the first appearance iirc
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
whatever lunar interlude had the eclipse festival
ushiwakamaru was
7 years ago
the first appearance of the eyes of the scouts
Courier New was
7 years ago
it Crystal Kingdom- Oh right!
Courier New
7 years ago
I remember now
Courier New
7 years ago
So yeah; it took a year from then, almost exactly
7 years ago
and then in the bank in the beginning of petal to the metal when taako blinks
Courier New
7 years ago
and especially thanks to Merle's conversations with John, the Hunger must recognize them
Courier New
7 years ago
or at the very least, him.
Courier New
7 years ago
So even if the Hunger couldn't sense the Light/relics, I bet seeing Merle gave it a good hint as to where to go
Courier New
7 years ago
(This is all just speculation on my part, anyways)
7 years ago
yeah, I'd agree
7 years ago
the three of them coming into contact with the phoenixfire gauntlet definitely triggered a start
Courier New
7 years ago
But man. I haven't started the Finale yet but I wonder how everyone is going to reconcile putting their old lives on top of their new ones. That's some heavy stuff, smashing two lifetimes together.
Courier New
7 years ago
I also hope Lup's okay, wherever she is. I know she's in play; I think Lich Barry was talking to her way back when when he asked the three of them if they trusted him
Courier New
7 years ago
I'm also real curious about what the Umbra Staff has been up to. Especially in regards to writing Lup's name on the wall, but more especially in regards to trying to glass Kravitz and everyone's favorite boy detective
Courier New
7 years ago
I don't believe it's working as an extention of Lup because she doesn't strike me as the indiscriminate murder type
7 years ago
I really need to re-listen to the finale as a whole, since the first pass was just a lot of reacting to what was happening
Courier New
7 years ago
I'm listening now and there's sure as heck a good amount of reacting going on
Courier New
7 years ago
hoo boy
Courier New
7 years ago
but yeah, after listening to the ending and letting it all sit, I'm a lot less furious with Lucretia. I totally get why she did what she did, and why she felt there were no good alternatives
Courier New
7 years ago
Honestly all seven of them had to get to that point to figure out that defeating the Hunger even was an option
7 years ago
yeah, it was one of those situations where there were no good options
7 years ago
and in the end, it did keep them alive, even if she had no idea that everything would actually work out in the end and everyone would come back/get memories back/be alright
Courier New
7 years ago
It did! And honestly putting an end to the Relic Wars was worth the price. She was definitely right that bloodshed on that scale wasn't justified by just averting the apocalypse
Courier New
7 years ago
And it sounded like most everyone else (Lup nonwithstanding) was totally chill with just letting it play out as it was going, despite it obviously emotionally draining them
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