bunty is
7 years ago
reading about gothtopodes (octopus tetricus) gizmodo.com/researchers-...
latest #10
Lemongrass says
7 years ago
they're sweet. I wonder if the ones in the clip are running away from the monster with the camera.
sef_lopod has
7 years ago
a tendency to hide from monsters with cameras.
7 years ago
sef_lopod: monsters with cameras are nasty. Stay away.
JigmeDatse is
7 years ago
a monster with camera. Seems to be reasonably effective way to avoid monsters with cameras.
sef_lopod has
7 years ago
a whole extended family who are monsters with cameras. It put me right off them from a very early age.
7 years ago
sef_lopod: what if you became one yourself, though it doesn't make them go away (if they are family) but if you're "one of them" they may be less inclined to take the pictures. Nice SLR is particularly helpful.
7 years ago
Probably little need to actually take pictures.
sef_lopod says
7 years ago
the wildlife prefers me when I don't have a camera.
7 years ago
sef_lopod: likes being around wildlife better than being around monsters with cameras far better, so yeah, good choice. And wildlife is far more enjoyable without the camera.
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