So far it is a lot of exposition, and that might be part of what's making it a little hard for it to hold my interest.
Interaction is what I like best in books and so far we're pretty scant and it's mostly her wanting to interact with people as little as humanly possibly.
I also remember that I was really just flat out thrown-off by the prologue as far as expectations, etc. Pretty much what I knew was bad-ass half-fae chick, Seanan McGuire was thrilled with the cover, and something about some guy. I was really not expecting a significant other, a kid, and 14 years as a fish that'd end up getting them both out of the picture.
I'm... I think a few chapters in now? Somewhere around 4. But I think there's more 'tell' than 'show' for what I prefer, maybe.
(For reference, I am starting chapter six now.)
While absolutely not unique to this book: I am getting so tired of Urban Fantasy protagonists who are stubborn as hell about not accepting help.
Again, not a criticism of the book and situations therein, just some personal venting.
God, right? I don't read all that much urban fantasy these days, but it's a weirdly common flaw.
(She does get better, but I won't ask you to blindly trust me on that one
/gently lurks here for later
/with a side of murdering mobile plurk
Every one I've read. I'll believe it. I feel a little bad but Tybalt is about the only thing I've found entertaining so far.
Tybalt, to be fair, improves everything he's near by virtue of being a cat.
This is fair. Is just kind of a case of 'literally the only thing he's doing right now is harassing the main character, he should not be my favorite part')XD
Update: she just picked some mushrooms from a patch of grass because 'you never know what you'll need'. October Daye confirmed video game character.
I also think part of the initial issue might've been the absolutely coming into the middle of things, thing? I'm more used to people not really having accomplished stuff when I get there, so any past things talked about it's kind of just like, '...okay?'.
But I'm pretty sure most of it might've just been the exposition. I'm doing a better now - helped massively by her talking to people and not just giving me walls of introspective info-dump.
..on further introspection, it may exactly have been the lack of interaction. Getting a little introspective... 9/10 books I'm reading the main character either doesn't interest me or flat out bores me, and I just kind of wind up reading for the side characters. I'll latch onto one or twenty and then, well, I gotta keep reading to keep an eye on them.
As an aside: If anyone knows a series where the protagonist doesn't get beat to hell every five minutes, please do let me know.
Really hoping Devin drops out of the picture soon. Not liking him really one ingot.
Not going to forgive the licking of the shirt though. Now my tongue's going to feel sympathetically weird all day ewwww.
Okay, finished the book. I don't hate it. It's not as easy a read as what else I've got going on, and I wish they'd kill less people. I think that about sums my thoughts up.
I'll probably read more eventually, and I'm open to questions, but I'm going to go mainline some more of my trash novels. xD
Ah, yes. Killing less people.
I'm glad you finished c: man,exposition is really an art. Textwalls vs immersion vs driving your audience nuts...
Also fwiw this was her first novel. It's only better from here.
Uhhhh character thoughts? Things you hope for? Decisions that made no sense?
Idk I just like book talks >|>
Well, let's see...among things I hope for are 'More Tybalt' and I already know I'll be getting that if I continue from what I used to see following her. Less exposition in future books is another one, and hey, I already got one of my hopes for the future so whoo... Character thoughts...
Hard to tell at the moment. The one we've seen most of is Toby and she fits pretty neatly into the same mold as the other Urban Fantasy books I read at this point. I also always find it a little tricky getting a good read on people from first person POV.
I do always love a court that's got people that act like people and aren't wrapped up in their own position etc. I blame the Lioness books.
There was actually a surprising lack of stupid decisions that I could see, so that's a plus. I didn't spend a lot of time sitting here going, 'Are you fucking stupid' like I do with Sookie.
That series could in fact have raised my thresholds a bit. Mostly I just say here going why when she was ignoring everyone, and then when the waxing poetic and expositing on Devin came up.
And I mean, there's stuff like, 'do we really have to introduce this guy for the sole purpose of killing him off to distress chick y and drive her out of Z so we can get a brief moment of 'oh great what now' when Toby gets attacked for the tenth time?'
This might be the fact that the series I read, it's a rare case someone is actually allowed to have, uh, female friends. And if they do they typically don't end up staying that way talking.
Little impressed she actually got fired.
be holding a grudge because of Dare.
I'm fond of Danny the cabby.
I love Danny and I hold the same ows about Dare. And tbh I'm glad about getting Devin out of the way here, he was the sort of character I think could have held on in other series but I was just. Uninterested in his drama.
And I mean, I know that's the point with Dare, but still. Yeaah. And the thing is, the handling was all wrong to keep him in the picture. Every time he came up, and she'd talk about Home I'd be sitting here like, 'Toby, honey, no.'
Yeah. In retrospect the abuse is a lot clearer to me.
Yeah, I was kind of aware from the start, but hey, at least he's gone now.
The lack of a bunch of super-powerful calendar models glowering at each other and going 'MINE' or otherwise being super possessive was a nice change.
(Besides the Sookie books I read the Mercy Thompson series.)
In a really weird way I kept getting Jessica Jones flashbacks, too.
...oh, yeah, hey. I can see that.
Traumatized PI shuts herself off friends and loved ones, doesn't want people to try to make her into a hero.