Y’all read that non-apology from Kevin Spacey?
latest #11
That would have been really terrible if, hypothetically, I had actually done it
Also hey I’m coming out now so forgive me!
I really have nothing new to add, it’s just that this garbage is going on all day every day and I’m fucking tired
Yeah that “apology” was dogshit
Ain’t nobody cares if your gay, Kevin, they care if you tried to RAPE A KID
apparently these kinds of stories have been floating around about him for a while, though. :/
Watched Anthony Rapp that night in the newest Star Trek Discovery episode and he was radiant
I’m glad he came forward, and I’m glad people have for the most part come out in support of him.
Also house of cards in canceled
Yeah, but it sounds like that might have been happening anyway
everyone in the industry has known he was a gay predator. I heard it two years ago from someone who worked on one of his shows
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