6 years ago
[rl/Cassie] So this morning Jessica (Cassie's upstairs neighbour) called me and then texted me seven times asking me if I wanted to go to Michaels. My first thought was 'Cassie sent her' or maybe 'Cassie is going to come with her and this is an ambush'. I freaked a little, but realized I don't want to burn bridges, and I don't want to lose Jess so I went.
6 years ago
First thing Jess said after pleasantries was 'It's none of my business' and we only talked about the Cassie thing briefly. I told her about everything that's been going on, and she asked me if I wanted to come over and bake cookies. I told her I couldn't because I have so much shit to do.
6 years ago
She was super understanding which I'm not used to. I'm used to being pressured all the time.
6 years ago
Our window is leaking horribly. Charlie is coming over tomorrow to replace the sink, and we have so much shit to do before he gets here.
6 years ago
I am so stressed out I'm shaking and feel like I'm going to pass out. I can't deal with all of this.