6 years ago
[work] I can't believe this project is real
latest #10
6 years ago
(we don't use the word "bookings")
6 years ago
everybody here is just really really done with the amount of micromanaging going on lmao
6 years ago
yesterday we discovered that nobody on the Y side actually knows how the PIM works, so when we explained why we can't have a goal of 250 SKUs per day we were met with pure, unaffected shock
6 years ago
the process is so manual that typically a good day sees us doing about 60-70 SKUs
6 years ago
if you're lucky and get a big product with nothing much to fix you can get much more than 250 done
6 years ago
but we have to go in, change everything by hand, match everything manually, re-map SKUs by hand when we add variants
6 years ago
and apparently nobody on the Y side (including the person who's... supposed to be working in the PIM...) realized that the process is so analog
6 years ago
today in the first of our two daily meetings, we learned that three more people got added to the project on the Y side, none of whom know how to use the PIM either (and one of them has been working at Y for like a week) so now the more senior members of the team at this office have to spend time training them and fielding questions
6 years ago
I don't actually know when the deadline is but we're not going to hit it and nobody here cares anymore lmao
6 years ago
(er, up at the beginning that should have been "250 SKUs per person per day")
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