hey friends who play at that quiet place community, what's the url to it?
latest #8
minecraft just crashed twice in 20mins so i'm giving up and... looking at communities, which is obviously the best possible thing i could be doing...
dunno who i'll end up playing seriously though, because my biggest pings are lup and kravitz, and there are a million lups because she's amazing and deserves it and krav's difficult because even if he's not taken somewhere i feel really weird turning up uninvited playing another very popular character's canon boyfriend...
like i'm being all hey guess what you're shipping with me now whether you like it or not and idk if that's a warranted feeling to have but
6 years ago
nah i kinda get that. like even when it's super canon if u don't know the other mun sometimes you just get that feeling like is this okay tho
right?! like i don't know what they're doing in game, maybe they have other things going on!
the first game i ever joined i accidentally became an enormous spanner in the works of an ot3 thing these people had been working on for two years and i am very afraid of doing that again OTL
Superb Bi Rep
6 years ago
quietplace | Recent Entries
bequiet | NAVIGATION
On mobile so non fancy links but here is network comm link plus navigation page link!!
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