6 years ago
[gofundme] I'm really hesitant to ask this everyone, but. I'm getting my surgery in 3 weeks, GRS. So I made a gofundme - to try and raise enough money for the surgery. I'm willing to offer writing commissions in return, if. That's any interest to anyone. This timeline was made public, so you can replurk if you're willing.
latest #62
6 years ago
I know I'm not the most popular person, but. Every cent helps.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
And thank everyone for just. Bothering to read this far. ^^; I know we're all busy and broke, this is just. A life altering thing for me.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
considering the time crunch, I'm probably going to need to take out a personal loan.... but the more i can save up, the less of my soul I need to mortgage, or at least the earlier i can pay it off...
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I'm basically covered on the surgery itself now. it's just that I have no place to stay and lodgings in the Bay area are. really expensive. as is everything in the Bay area.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
it's just going to be me and one other person staying in California, but they make me stay down there for about 10 days and. it's expensive.
I'm sorry I don't have the spoons or time to delve into these, but here's a suggestion: The Bay Area has a huge LGBTQ+ community, so perhaps there might be a trans organization there that can assist somehow?
A very cursory googling has showed me this. Definitely worth a try.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
thank you so much, and please preserve your spoons. ;; I'll look into seeing if there's anyone who can help.
you're welcome! I am rooting for you even though I can't be around much! <3
Striving Spark
6 years ago
taking a look, there's a woman's shelter I can look at if it comes down to it, but I'm not sure that's a great place to stay when you've just had surgery and still have what's essentially an open wound..........
Striving Spark
6 years ago
eve is coming with me, to take care of me (we plan on sharing a room/bed, awkward as that'll be after everything thats happened.) so I just need someplace that can house us for ten days, really.
I'd assume not. Shelters can run the gamut from fine to shady/unhygienic.
I've been in some I'd totally stay in post-op. Been in some I hardly wanted to enter.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
wanna know something ironic? I've got a relatively rich uncle who lives down there who I was hoping could help out... but he's on his honey moon. IN THAILAND.
I normally wouldn't recommend this, but if the trans community can't assist what about care credit? It's like a credit card but usually they give you 6 months to pay it off at no interest. If you can't pay within the 6 months the loans to get predatory though, so if you expect to take a bit another loan would be better.
We used them for our dogs' emergency expenses, paid everything off within the time, and it was great. But if you hit the 6 month mark you owe ALL the interest from the entire time, so it's important to know you can pay.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I have a plan to go to the credit union but I can't until NEXT saturday, so it's sort of. crunch time.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
oof. well. let me see what I can do.
oh yeah a credit union would have a great rate. Probably the best solution. I don't have access to one so I tend to forget about that option ;;;
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I have a friend cosigning with me to give me a better rate. because my credit.... stinks. so hopefully it goes through and Ill just prioritize paying it off at all costs.
But I would really recommend calling some trans-focused community orgs. Maybe someone can help with a creative solution, either with cash or a place to stay that's not a shelter.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
yeah. that might be a good idea.
the way I figure, it can't hurt to see what they can offer, and if they're not in a position to help then it's no loss except a bit of time. And you might gain a lot, who knows!
I wish you lots of luck as I run off again.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I posted to the trans group I'm actually in for a start.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
and I'll see what I can do.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I called a couple places. mostly got hotel recommendations which. didn't really work out. Bay area is just expensive.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
but I'm waiting for a call back from one place so we'll see.
if absolutely nothing else be sure to save the receipts since you could write it off on your taxes as a medical cost if you qualify, including the flight and hotel. Food probably not but I'm not sure.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
hotel I've been explicitly told isn't covered. but I'm keeping receipts for all the supplies I need for keeping my health after the surgery. and I'm hoping I'll get a little money back - things like therapy appointments and the colonoscopy I need cut into the total out of pocket maximuk meaning I should owe less. but. we will see.
huh, that's weird, I claimed accommodations a few times on my taxes when it was related to medical care. Welp I didn't get audited so joke's on them.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
lenainverse: ohhhhh taxes. sorry I was thinking insurance.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
huh. good to know.
I'm not sure how the new gross tax bill impacts this, but if you spend enough out of pocket on medical care it is/was actually a nice deduction. You have to wait for tax time though, so it's more a last-ditch effort to get some back.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Yeah keep that shit
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Well, here's hoping i can take out a loan for the hotel, otherwise i'm left with dollar tree or something....
credit union loan will give you a better rate I'm certain, but if all else fails there's credit cards.
I hate to recommend credit card debt but for medical care, you do what you gotta.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
My credit card debt is already dumb, that's why i have bad credit. Sighs
Striving Spark
6 years ago
My best bet is a loan with a co-signer. Credit union or Shudders Dollar tree.
6 years ago
Dollar Tree gives loans? o.o
6 years ago
That's their shtick - short-term loans with extremely high interest
6 years ago
like...100% interest
6 years ago
which I seriously would not recommend
6 years ago
AH, must be a different business with the same name; the Dollar Tree I know is just a chain of dollar stores.
6 years ago
Their thing is that everything in the store is a dollar or less.
6 years ago
I think Kay might be thinking of dollar loan center?
Striving Spark
6 years ago
money tree.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I always get them confused.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
it's a last resort. but I need this and I'm exactly the sort of person they can prey on right now.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
apparently it takes like 7 days to get the money even when you're approved so wow we're cutting it close.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I'd settle for borrowing a thousand, if it comes down to it, but getting the money on time at all is going to be. fun.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I'm just so scared and so mad that the only thing standing between me and a life changing surgery.... is a fucking place to stay.
Striving Spark
6 years ago
(A safe, clean place to stay)
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Okay. DS is covering my hotel, at this point.... and my surgery is paid for! SO the funds raised in the gofundme are going to go toward food, and paying back my friend who's loaning me the money for the hotel...............
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I moved the goal post way down in consideration of that, though anything extra is appreciated - I'm still freaking out about bills, and i'm not sure i'm going to get paid on the second, but......
Striving Spark
6 years ago
I'm going to get my surgery. <33333333
Striving Spark
6 years ago
Whatever else happens. Thanks to the generosity of strangers, and friends. I'm going to get my surgery
6 years ago
tossed $13 to you yesterday
Striving Spark
6 years ago
NekoIncardine: thank you so much! if I can write anything for you or. anything. let me know. (things are finally coming together. I'm.broke until my job decides to pay me again but. I'm getting my surgery thanks to everyone. ;; )
6 years ago
Hooray for the comings together, and dont worry about writing anything for me.
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