I'm trapped in a grocery store by shitty weather, I'm pretty sure this is how The Mist starts
latest #30
except it is just me here, I don't think I'll be able to start any arguments with myself and have to throw myself outside
also I'm pretty sure there aren't eldritch monsters out there. fingers crossed.
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
oh no
but true to its name!!!! there's some shitty misty rain coming down and making the highway a hockey rink, and there's a gigantic curved hill between me and home, and my car already stalled on the way to work! so.
here I am.
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
I have permission to be here as late as I feel comfortable, but.......... stares balefully at the weather............
at least I have my laptop...
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
are you gonna have a sleepover at work
I just might...
curl up under the counter where it's warm and scare the shit out of the morning crew
it was nice knowing you
proxy ⚡
6 years ago
at least....... you have food
true :9
I could survive for months in here... the one pair of clothes would be a downer though
6 years ago
bye forever
upd8 from the floor I'm camping out
walked out onto the road and skidded about three feet
oh jeez..............
:-( stay safe
curls up by the compressor for warmth
I've gotten pretty comfortable driving in snow and slush but I do not fuck with ice
6 years ago
6 years ago
i can't believe you died in a grocery store
6 years ago
i'll miss you
update: I lived bitch
6 years ago
it was that or you were tagging me from beyond the grave
6 years ago
i told my friend about your plight and that the only reason i knew you were still alive is because you were tagging me, and he admired your priorities
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