( riverview / taz ) ah yes, fourth wall memes, where everything is the worst
latest #43
stacy fakename
6 years ago
we did this to ourselves
batsecretary this is what you're supposed to do on fun memes right? ruin everything forever? okay cool great
stacy fakename
6 years ago
honestly if you're using a fourth wall meme to hurt yourself whats the point
stacy fakename
6 years ago
*not using. i can words good
stacy fakename
6 years ago
also im gonna force u to read every single thread dealing w/ the fallout of kravitz disappearing & taako realizing he was fake
oh god goodbye cruel world.........
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i for real don't even know who to app anymore happy baby or the goth bird i love all the threads i have and everyone in this bar that i'm not even in yet
stacy fakename
6 years ago
the big struggle
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i will not say anything bc i dont wanna influence u :x
honestly i could probably use some influence at this point like i'm thinking about it and i love ango but krav might have better longevity just by virtue of not being ten and therefore having more shit he can actually do... but i also don't want to look like That Guy who goes 'ooo ship' and immediately drops everything orz
stacy fakename
6 years ago
we do have a few kiddos in game but there is definitely some limited scope in what u can do with a ten year old
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i guess maybe think about what you'd like to do in game beyond just castmates? since obvs we'll love whoever we get
yeah, it's gonna need some thought for sure
stacy fakename
6 years ago
you've got a lil while to think about it at least
i feel bad being indecisive all of a sudden orz but yeah there's time c:
stacy fakename
6 years ago
decisions are hard i feel ya
stacy fakename
6 years ago
hey i just met you and i hate you!
stacy fakename
6 years ago
"Kravitz wonders if it should take longer for him to know that he can love both, all, any version. If he be allowed to. "
god i know isn't it great
stacy fakename
6 years ago
im in hell
oops i made it worse
stacy fakename
6 years ago
stacy fakename
6 years ago
also i realized i didnt say this even tho i thought it so: im obvs down to have kravitz, you wouldnt be stepping on toes wrt ship plans or anything
well that's good to know orz i live in constant fear of that ngl
stacy fakename
6 years ago
yeah i get that lmao like even coming from the other side of it i've been a bit nervous about it bc a lottttt has happened in game that means its not just gonna be "and then they were happy boyfriends the end" which is what someone apping krav might expect
yeah i definitely feel that, esp given it's been such a long time. i'm pretty into stuff like that though, idk i feel like it's more fun when you go through the difficult stuff and then get to the 'happy boyfriends the end' part. or somewhere else even who knows
stacy fakename
6 years ago
it can be nice sometimes to just have a super easy built in ship but honestly working at it is way more interesting esp in rp where the whole point is to build off canon and explore different things
stacy fakename
6 years ago
what im saying here is it sounds like we're pretty much on the same page and im not at all worried if you did app kravitz, we could have some fun with it
i may have to do the thing
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i should maybe be sorry but im not
though i'm laughing bc this isn't even really him, this is a god damn hologram so he gets to keep exactly none of the memory of this i'm writing these tags like the sweeter you are now the worse it's gonna be when you poof in a few days and then reappear none the wiser skeletor, you just keep on keeping on
stacy fakename
6 years ago
actual!kravitz: taako im here i love you
stacy fakename
6 years ago
taako: also i made out with a hologram of you, so that was wild
krav just like i can't even be mad that's amazing
stacy fakename
6 years ago
taako 'im deeply upset and maybe a little traumatized but im still gonna joke about it' taaco
stacy fakename
6 years ago
im abt to sleep but for ur consideration would it be more delicious if 1) krav just disappears and taako has to figure out what happened or 2) they find out abt the holograms and realize krav is one and have to deal with that
i feel like option 2 has enough delicious suffering with potentially fewer long-term consequences... plus that way i get to do a 'what do you mean i'm not real' which sounds like fun
stacy fakename
6 years ago
yeah i thought that one might be more fun for you
stacy fakename
6 years ago
plus it'll probably soften the blow a lil bit for taako
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