i bought a paid for krav so here's me going looking for some sweet fanarts to fill up those icon spots because i can't fuckin draw
latest #46
nick leerie always pulling through for me. what a pal. what a mate.
yes please i'll take two of these to go
"taako picking kravitz as his romanceable npc" it's so accurate
weh cute
there isn't enough art of krav that comes close enough to my specific hc, weh
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i have a krav acct ive never used bc i cant find icons im into and i legit considered using lucio fanart
honestly i might actually get off my ass and just draw my own
like it won't be amazing but i can manage useable...
stacy fakename
6 years ago
if i could draw i'd do that but i just commission ppl instead
stacy fakename
6 years ago
bc the art i picked originally is now my definitive taako hc
wow oops so i just went to upload something for krav's profile, which is this because it's obvious and i'm predictable
except i had another file on my desktop that looked similar from a distance that i nearly uploaded instead which is this
stacy fakename
6 years ago
stacy fakename
6 years ago
thinking about how this all is gonna go and how we're gonna get to the 'oh btw goth bird is a hologram' part. i guess after a little bit it's gonna get around that most of these random noobs aren't real but don't know it, and someone's gonna twig that the way to know would be by what they remember first... because legit new arrivals get the speech and all?
unless there's a better way to do this that i missed, which is entirely likely
stacy fakename
6 years ago
ohhh yeah that would be a good way to pick it
i just had this image of them just kind of chilling for like this one day, and then next day that happens and taako just suddenly demands very urgently to know exact details of when krav got there, and krav realises he doesn't remember anything except kinda popping into being in the street, but with everything he assumed that was just normal for here...
which really just sounds like a lovely situation for all involved
unless you had another idea o:
stacy fakename
6 years ago
tbh i wasnt sure how to make it happen so that definitely works
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i can set something up in my ic inbox if that would be an easy way to do it
i'm down! c:
stacy fakename
6 years ago
do u wanna leave that one where it is and just handwave the slightly more chill evening they would've had?
yeah that works for me
stacy fakename
6 years ago
go team
in other news, my pinterest search suggestions always read like a really weird poem
stacy fakename
6 years ago
i hate you for putting the words mcelroy brothers and lingerie in the same space i my brain
you're welcome, honestly
stacy fakename
6 years ago
im not welcome
oh god
stacy fakename
6 years ago
taako coming for kravtiz
hooray everything is terrible
stacy fakename
6 years ago
justin voice: delicious
stacy fakename
6 years ago
if u do app kravitz when he turns up taakos just gonna tell him to talk to lup bc he wont be able to explain it himself
i want to keep tagging but i have to go to work howls
stacy fakename
6 years ago
god same but i need to sleep so
stacy fakename
6 years ago
it works perfectly
oh well then yes good! goodnight friend i will bring more Suffering later c:
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