( taz ) man, taakitz sure does give the sentence "i crave the sweet release of death" a whole new meaning
latest #24
taako makes frequent la petite mort jokes lbr
lup, later: did you steal that sex joke from my brother
god i need barry in game and going to the adult section of sampreni so taako can see him and be like "well i gotta kms ig"
he's not loki & thor he doesnt wanna think that hard about his sibling's sex life
or just barry having sex in general
im sorry i ruined this plurk
someone do that thing where you wait for the other one to be next door and then jump on the bed and make sex noises
also this plurk was ruined before i made it lbr
kravitz deserves better than this asshole family
barry covers taako's mouth w/ his hand bc taako was about to say smth incriminating. taako just slobbers all over his hand. kravitz in the background regretting his life choices
magnus is wandering around the house without pants on
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