☆ ʙeαɴɪe ʙαʙʏ
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
( taz / art ) have a doodle, also i ended up talking about lgbt hcs in here so that's a thing
latest #21
black sclera kravitz is my jam forever bye
lowkey wanna draw a palette swap between krav and mina just because they're black sclera buddies but could not possibly have more opposite aesthetics...
man i've been scouring tumblr for some sweet sweet arts and like, every taz character is a trans lesbian apparently
like representation is great and i'm here for it and i love it but there was this one post that literally listed every female character as a trans lesbian (except sloane who was nb, which like okay, but why only sloane...)
i feel like the only identity hcs i specifically disagree with are like
1. nb taako - idk i like the idea of a comfortable cis dude wearing whatever the fuck he wants, clothing don't mean shit
2. bi lup - i see where an argument could be made don't get me wrong but hey straight trans people are also a thing and i feel like that gets forgotten
shit, even those i'm not like, they're dumb and wrong or anything, i just disagree personally. but at the same time 'everyone is a trans lesbian' is a bit much lmao
though hey, i'm a person who finally organised their vocab soup and looked at it and thought yes this is a good representation of the shit i got going on, but never says it out loud because despite being true it still sounds incredibly fucking tumblr. so
anyway here's wonderwall
i feel like that "i can't believe you've done this" vine except both guys are me
it is a photo and i imagine barry probably took it, tada
i spent my entire night doodling taz folks instead of doing tags i actually really want to do, oops
man maybe one day i'll make an art that's not monochrome
i literally was just thinking like "i'm super into 'krav has fangs' hcs but i didn't draw that because..." and then realised why didn't i draw that so instead i did draw that
sometimes i forget i can literally just draw whatever i want, how wild is that
oh i forgot when i deleted the original it had the explanation. anyway there was an expressions meme and i rolled that one so there it is
who knew that when i did a colour it would be garfield the fucking deals warlock
i'm not good enough at this style yet to get it exactly how i wanted it but imagine this just like 20% less magnus-looking and you've got my hc for garfield
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