my parents finally sold the house that they've been trying to for years (ENORMOUS VICTORY)
it's the house I'm currently living in and have a month to help clean out a gigantic property
I do have..... a place to stay kind of, and then we're considering some options/getting a smaller place/condo.... that's all in planning rn BUT
in the short term: a month of cleaning hell for me
i see you will join me in this hell
a month is a long time but it's a very weird property..... a couple old buildings needing cleared out in addition to the house itself
I honestly never thought it was going to sell and it would give my parents hell the rest of their lives but I'm so happy for them and for me because now I don't have to hear about it anymore
house cleaning for a move to sell a property.
congrats to your parents, but also
I ever settle down again in one spot for more than six months ever again???? a mystery
ty friends
it will be arduous but worth it, just talking to my mom tonight, she looks like a giant weight's been lifted off her
she deserves this, I hope it goes with as little headache as possible, I know not the perils of home ownership.......
but I know it is perilous
man I need to just slowly steal all of your garry emotes
that one is such a great escalation of the single tear
man do you want them all I have loads
but yeah seriously congrats to your parents for getting it sold! I know the housing marketing is
good luck, that is always A Lot
(shakes magic 8 ball) reply hazy try again
YEAH and on top of that we live in a tourist trap so that's like... double whammy. it definitely sold for less than they wanted it to but at this point they just wanted it gone. and it's gone
I guess tourist trap could go either way in terms of selling, but it was an Extremely Weird Property in a tourist trap...
I mean it's not but it's gone from my heart.
anyway I have added all of those faces.
happy to be of service