okay black mirror spoilers but i figured i'd chuck the new season on and episode one
latest #78
"you're not really you, you're a digital copy of yourself"
as if this is the exact plot of what i'm doing rn
spoiler warnings for black mirror s4 probably aren't warranted anymore but whatever it took me this long to get around to it
lmao i'm sitting here begging it like pleeeeease have a satisfying ending...
cause it's so hit and miss with black mirror
i feel like all of the episodes were really satisfying to me
With this season xD
oh thank god
bc i binged the last three and i feel like about 40% of the time i was like "oh come on brooker"
i only had issues with like one episode but it's not the ending but like.... it needed to be like movie length imo bc it was like just...too much... it's aesthetically awesome the metalhead one
while the rest of the time was great so it was this weird hit and miss feeling
also i feel like the pacing of this season is super great when you're burnt out on the upsetting stuff you get kind of like a san junipero moment
oh man i loved san junipero so much yes please i'll take more of any part of that
This is def my favorite season overall even if san junipero and some of the other earlier episodes are still in like the top 5 episodes
I think sometimes how satisfactory the endings are aren't obvious at first glance though and you kind of have to think through it a bit more but this season did have some of the more unsettling episodes morally! it's just so good ;x
yessss i'm way more excited hearing at least someone thinks they're good ngl
because getting so invested like i do in these episodes and then it not paying off has been such a letdown for this show
I haven't heard too many complaints from people aside from people that typically want happy endings all the time (why are you watching black mirror if so)
obviously not consistently but when it happens
oh yeah definitely
but like ... the happy episode if just PERFECTLY PLACED
because i see everyone that gets to that one being so fatigued at how emotionally taxing the beginning of the season is (so be prepared for that ig?)
BUT i'm just curious what you'll think of all the episodes :-D :-D :-D
oh i'll definitely have Things To Say regardless so c:
oooh okay i'm satisfied with the end of the first one
i spent a good amount of it thinking "please don't turn out that daly outsmarts them and they're just stuck with him forever just for Bad End points, how boring would that be" but no yes good
It's so good
it's still so funny to me that i'm literally rounding off a thread where my character is coming to terms with the fact that he's not real (and y'know about to pop out of existence any time now) and then i happen to put this on
oh christ i don't like this one
arkangel. like it's not Bad so far but black mirror's pretty good at finding those things that'll play off your real life huh
that one hits close to home for a lot of people >>;
i was just thinking sara reminded me of my sister, and my mother and grandmother coddle her like crazy, and i've always been terrified that something huge will happen and she'll have no idea what to do because she's been so sheltered
like, madison's gonna be 10 this year but she's always been immature for her age because she just wasn't... raised well... because our mother is fuckawful at having children...
okay so next episode, she killed a guy to mask killing another guy, so far i'm a bit underwhelmed
oh god that's ominous lmfao
Crocodile is...infuriating.
But infuriating.
the song in this one, did they use it last season? i feel like it was in there
it's used somewhere
i forget
there are a looooot of easter eggs in this season
people in this show have such giant houses jesus
they're so much more like american homes than british ones
LMAO man her catching the woman and then seeing the guy it's like, are you just going to murder everyone in england
MURDER THE BABY (please don't murder the baby)
holy shit she actually murdered the baby
what the fuck
that episode is infuriating but also FK
honestly i feel like the whole "the baby was born blind btw" was pretty bad writing, like it was already fucked up enough that she murdered an infant so the 'he couldn't have given info anyway' thing was an unnecessary extra thing
blagden is in this wth
god seeing him always reminds me that i lowkey wanted to play his character in after the dark but fuck if i'm any good at philosophy
oh man please don't be a creep
oh no okay not creepy... hopefully
the whole thing of this episode "sure is hard being het" because i can't relate
waiting for the twist tbh because at this point i'm just like i don't really care about your boring heterosexual struggles
pleeeeease become more interesting than 'hets fuck their own relationships over by constantly not fucking talking to each other' please don't just be this
well, that one turned out less 'ugh' than it looked like it was going to, but still felt pretty 'meh'
yikes, 20 seconds in and metalhead already feels kind of heavy-handed and cringe
oh, so this is like a cujo situation huh
man, whoever chooses the music for these has really similar taste to my dad
cool so everyone died for a teddy bear. honestly pretty bored by that one tbh...
oh haaaa saw that throwback to the episode with the child killer
oh fun another Technology Is Bad episode
i get so jaded with this show lmfao
"we only use 40% of our brain capacity" well that's demonstrably incorrect but go on
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