( riverview ) apps open soon and i'm weirdly panicking lmao
latest #36
i feel so much less prepared than i should be
i have done this app before twice and was fine idk what it is this time
stacy fakename
6 years ago
you'll be fine dude
ughhh i have this horrible feeling that i'm forgetting something really important
6 years ago
I'm still working on mine, and I have no clue if it's good enough
it's one of those days, man. i'm just gonna stare at it and feel like everyone else is thinking "did she seriously forget to mention x"
six to one
6 years ago
yeah it's gonna be okay!!! hang in there!
six to one
6 years ago
i swear i'm not normally this much of a giant baby orz
six to one
6 years ago
nah i getcha!
six to one
6 years ago
i was so nervous about apping too even though everybody was like IT'S FINE and it was fine haha
stacy fakename
6 years ago
did u wanna do job/housing stuff for him?
stacy fakename
6 years ago
its optional so not a big drama but i noticed u left it off the app
stacy fakename
6 years ago
they've got the spare room that krav can have
i'm into it if it's a thing that works my dudes. ngl i was stressing about time so i left them blank but i was just thinking to edit something in
stacy fakename
6 years ago
yeah he can come live w/ them
okay neat
stacy fakename
6 years ago
radio dj
spooky scary skeletons
stacy fakename
6 years ago
its perfect
stacy fakename
6 years ago
make him work at a record store
stacy fakename
6 years ago
or u can just list skills and let the mod choose lmao
honestly i'm thinking of just being like "he knows music but could do pm anything, gimme something non-combat"
stacy fakename
6 years ago
ye that'd work
stacy fakename
6 years ago
the job skills is also meant to be an IC sort of answer so like... what the characters would tell the perim guard when they show up
okay that's done, also added a little bit to the strengths/weaknesses oops. feel weirdly better about it even though it was like two sentences tho
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