just got back from jumanji and i gotta say that was the last movie i would expect to get video game logic right??
latest #8
like honestly i don't know why the characters didn't keep the game, that seemed kickass. life or death scenarios included, i mean the game is EXTREMELY fair to them, even railroady at times.
if they hadn't lost most of their lives fucking around they actually could've beaten the game easily with lives to spare
honestly though you could predict the entire plot from the introductions in the real world so it's good that they spent their focus on developing jumanji itself instead. perfect sequel, 9/10
only complaint is that i kept actually forgetting the main villain was in the game and he didn't actually do anything worth mentioning other than sexually murder people and stall a lot but HONESTLY the story was never about him and it fits
like i feel like he honestly would've just sat there for hours facing off against martha until she did her stunt bc that's what he's "programmed" to do
and the whole movie constantly made me think of far cry / uncharted which was incredible?? plus a bioshock reference toward the end
i am willing to believe this movie was made by people who have touched a video game
honestly i kinda wish i could play spencer but he's too pure for me
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