[fern's furious fever] pills I have taken today: my normal pills (6), 4 ibuprofen, 1 off brand Sudafed, 2 off brand Dayquills. I'm going to space.
latest #20
oh my god I fucking love Sudafed I can feel it already working I'm so glad Vanessa told me that there was sudafed
I've scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow at 11:30 am
oh. oh my chest feels tight
well. monitor yourself and definitely don't take more
and maybe only pick one medicine to take in the future
or alternatively: take more and ascend to the spirit realm to fight the Old Ones in mortal combat
okay I'm starting to be able to- fuck
Shit, shit, please be careful.
mmmm okay the sudden urge to vomit is fading
I'm going to Google every drug interaction before I take them
okay. I'm feeling much, much better, the chest tightness faded and all our food arrived so I'm less anxious
this cough is still an asshole, but I can breath through my nose and my fever is at 100.0
coming out of many naps, going to take a shower, feeling better,
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