also, i came back to plurk to have a good time with "RyuPaulsDraggyRace" as a display name and i am feeling so attacked right now by plurk's draconian character limits.
i got reapproved for disability earlier this month, fuck yeah!!!
i'm apparently getting a chunk of my money on april 1st, hopefully that isn't an april fool's joke, lol.
i say a chunk because it's 2 years of backpay and, you know, they don't want people blowing all that $$$ all at once.
i've got so many plans for my money, ahhhh.
aki's due for her vaccines/yearly vet visit in may, she also needs her nails trimmed (doing it myself is HELL), i've got some debt to pay off, i've been wanting to get a credit card to build my shitty credit back up, uhh... shit, i should've made a list for this shit, smh at my laziness.
damn, i should've planned ahead and typed shit out like i've done with some other personal plurks, lmao, i'm blanking on what else to say.
though i guess i could mention a personal project i've been working on since it may or may not interest people on my timeline.
since i probably have a form of ocd (not self-diagnosing because TEE-HEE I LIKE THINGS ORGANIZED, i'm a legitimate skin-picker and perfectionist), i've been working on, uh... diversity-centered lists of shows/movies i watch? i guess i could say?
still a wip and i'm in the process of rewording the titles, but yeah. my disabled ass can't participate in "real" activism and i've grown tired of batshit tumblr "social justice" so it gives me something to do to make me feel like i'm being useful, hahah.
i don't mind taking suggestions but i'm hesitant to share with a large audience because... you know... batshit internet people who care more about virtue-signaling and shit. :T and certain people's inability to accept that their suggestions may be met with "no thank you."
whoops, just noticed that i forgot to bold the [personal] part of my op.
damn, i left to run the rent check down and i'm still blanking on shit.
younger brother #1 is still in college and doing good. he's also working at the uni which keeps him busy, i can't remember if he's working at their library or working with food or what. thanks, forgetful brain.
younger brother #2 is still at his inpatient rehab place. sometime soon, he's getting a "weekend pass" where he can temporarily leave for a weekend and stay with family, as long as he behaves. not sure when he's getting it though, maybe sometime in april?
baby sister is doing good, her birthday is in mid-april! my mom and her friends have a membership at a local club/lodge-type thing, and they recently had a little easter event for the kids. kids get to find plastic eggs with goodies inside, everybody gets to eat good food.
not sure why but santa and the easter bunny have been freaking her out recently, not sure if it's an uncanny valley thing with people in costumes or what. but she's been pretty talkative, even if we can't understand her sometimes. but that's kind of inevitable when you're almost 3, i guess, lol.
aki's also doing good, but not much goes on when you're an old lady dog (she turns 5 in november!!!) who lives with 2 disabled people, hahah. with both of my brothers gone, she doesn't get many visitors anymore. unless i'm going to my grandma's for a few days and either she or my grandpa come over to pick me up.
and of course when i'm gone for a few days, she'll harass her "gramps" (my dad aka her "grandpa") because he's the only one here. and maybe she "knows" that he's good at bringing me home when i'm gone? that's what he thinks, lol, since she harasses him while i'm at the store or whatever too.
Hey glad you got disability and things are looking up!
jesii: yeah!!! if we all cross our fingers and i get really lucky, maybe a certain somebody will get impeached too, lmao. #OPTIMISMLOL
also, smh, my college brother is home for the weekend and he's being SQUIRREL APOLOGIST SCUM right now.
he even sent me a picture of him hand-feeding one of those bushy-tailed savages! knowing that our family is politically very anti-squirrel!!! (dog politics, man.)
oh, and i have an aki story from the other day, i'll ping ki after i'm done c&ping since i know she loves my aki stuff, hahah.
"oh no, i shared some of dad's mcdonald's breakfast leftovers with aki and i'm getting ALL the thank you kisses!!!
LMAO, aki is such a fat-ass american.
i shared another mcd's breakfast sandwich with her and, like always, i let her lick the wrapper clean. sometimes she's thorough enough to tear the wrapper/paper plate that i give her to pieces and i have to take it away so she doesn't eat any of it, and i had to do that this time.
i'm in my room and don't have a garbage can in here (because she'd get into it) and she tried to steal the wrapper from me. TWICE!!!
because i guess she felt unsatisfied not being allowed to lick off EVERY SINGLE LAST FUCKING ATOM of cheese/etc., lmao.
so i had to get up and throw the wrapper away in the kitchen and when i came back, she was laying in MY spot.
karmacitadel like she tried to non-chalantly walk over to where i put the wrapper and try to grab it as if i wouldn't notice or stop her. (TWICE!)
"well, this is the second time that my dog dad took a wrapper away from me, but he probably won't mind me taking it back!!!"
XD Your dog is such a riot
And congrats on the disability thing! One of my poor friends is still fighting for hers... she's been denied three times.
karmacitadel: has she spoken to a lawyer about it? she doesn't have to pay one directly, they get a chunk of her backpay when she wins.
got another aki story from today, hahah. gonna c&p from discord.
"lmao, dad was making sausages and aki stalked the fuck out of him to make sure she got her fair share. i had a hot plate when i moved out and since i brought it home, he started using it in his room when he's too unwell to stand in the kitchen. aki made sure to lay down on his floor in his room to remind~ him that "I EXIST AND I AM HUNGRY.""
he actually made scrambled eggs with cheese and cut up sausage, so BONUS POINTS TO THE ALMIGHTY GRAMPS.
She's had a lawyer for the last two attempts, yes
damn, does she live in a really shitty state that's not very disability-friendly or something? i have a friend in texas who says that it's pretty much impossible to get approved there. which wouldn't surprise me... since, you know... texas.
karmacitadel: yeah, i wouldn't know much about the NJ "disability scene," tbh. also, ya gurl aki was mistreated yesterday, thought you should know, lmao.
it was raining pretty hard so i decided to give her an "outside bath/shower" since keeping her in a bathtub is H E L L and she doesn't scream like she's being tortured when i do it outside. but it stopped raining before i could wash the shampoo out of her fur so i had to fill a bucket with water and rinse her off that way, hahah.
but at least she smells clean now! but i've still gotta take her to petsmart or w/e to get a "manipedi" (her nails trimmed) because THAT'S EVEN MORE HELLISH to accomplish on my own. at least the petsmart people have experience with drama queen dogs.