Mocha is known for being a demon child so that wasn't surprising. I don't think she ever leaves her crate at home, so when she comes here she gets so overstimulated that she just starts spinning in circles and snapping at any dog that comes near her. She lasted five minutes in camp.
Scout is also not surprising, she's just crazy, but she grabbed an ELDERLY TOY DOG... and just started ripping up the fur around his neck, he was shaking and cowering for hours afterward.
And then Monte attacked someone but that's not surprising either because every time someone passes by the camp door he gets overstimulated and needs to threaten them.
so like, the specific dogs involved were problem children to begin with (except annie) but i can't believe that many problem children in a row had to be kicked out for assault
thankfully none of the victims were hurt. izzy, the dog scout attacked, was missing some fur but he has a really springy coat that's sort of the consistency of cotton so it kept him safe from any major damage.
the dog that annie attacked, athena, spent the whole time she was in camp hiding under the playset. which is normal for her, but she was getting really good at playing with others so it's sad to see her taking a step back.