6 years ago
yesterday I was talking with british friend and answering questions that might come up in a job interview or in my interview next Thursday for the internship and she explained it so well I feel actually confident
6 years ago
she said I understand the workplace culture very well and I'm extremely diplomatic, and she's been trying to shake me with her questions but really can't so I seem very hirable
6 years ago
HOW FAR IVE COME from the 22 yr old mike who almost cried in the middle of the jet program interview
6 years ago
and somehow I still passed that interview. I think it was because, as I was leaving, the guy who kept raising his eyebrows at me and shaking his head asked me "are you always this nervous in these situations?" and on instinct I said "no, I'm not"
6 years ago
I stood up for myself instead of crushing under the weight of his question and I guess my modicum of self-respect shone through then
6 years ago
TAKEAWAY FROM ALL THIS respect yourself and respect your abilities and you'll seem confident no matter what