Lucy Heartfilia
6 years ago
RealTalk: Okay here's another one for you JustyK :-D Having an option conversation with regards to white privelige/slavery/etc. Discussing history (and current) issues or 'Brainwashing people'? n.n
Lucy Heartfilia
6 years ago
I ask because this came up in the news a while ago, and even one of my coworkers was trying to argue that 'discussing white privelige in schools' is brainwashing students. c.c;
Judge-It Justy
6 years ago
Oh boy.
Judge-It Justy
6 years ago
I don't think I have an opinion on this one. I just know that some people don't believe that White Privilege even exists, so it doesn't surprise me that your coworker would say that.
Judge-It Justy
6 years ago
But it's right up there with 'prayer in school' that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Lucy Heartfilia
6 years ago
Lol fair enough. :-D I was just curious n.n