6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
CURELESS[+] Spookshow Eyes / GROUP GIFT! https://images.plurk.com/6F6J6zbQeSh7CdNdIRwd.jpg NEW GROUP GIFT! I made a mini-set of unnatural eyes for your spoopy needs. Available now at the mainstore! Curemore
latest #11
6 years ago
6 years ago
Grixdale: It's the materials on the eye! The ones on the swatch are how they look without materials
6 years ago
the dilated ones! you're so generous with your gifties recently <3
6 years ago
KayKay Chan
6 years ago
o wow those eyes tho
6 years ago
e_lie: I'm taking less events so I have some spare time to make little things for people, I always wanted to make monthly gifts but usually I never had the time AaryaPhantomhive: kurima_kuma: I'm glad you like them!!
KayKay Chan
6 years ago
kaorinette: I do I do, I'm wearing the heck out of the dilated one rn and it's PERFECT thank you!. I'm entirely happy rn.
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