6 years ago
[drama] so lemme spoil ahead: im staying in a big empty house with a big bed and luxuriously fast internet because i got threatened by my roommate's mother
latest #54
6 years ago
6 years ago
ive had a long term roommate and we decided to move in with this other girl, mm. a couple of years we got conned by a """mutual friend""" so we had to change residence. mm decided to stay at this house, because... it's right next to her boyfriend's house, and they're like, fucking without her mom knowing lmao
6 years ago
and since it's a house, there are no rules, right? as long as u pay rent and shit, whatever, do what you want. well. mm's mother thinks that because they're paying an equal share of rent that they're entitled to use this place as like... a vacation house, of sorts
6 years ago
so sometimes she comes up here and vacations for days. but she has this very annoying tendency to act like she owns everything and rearranges stuff because she's A Mother and we're just like, stupid dirty college students, yeah?
6 years ago
also, context: mm is a little thief. she takes my shit and lies about it. 3 of my scissors went missing. now that they're planning on moving out, 2 of these scissors mysteriously resurfaced, as well as my missing potholder. hmmmm. i asked you where those were and you lied about not knowing, mm.
6 years ago
so ok. her mom is another piece of work. one time i caught them using my blender without my permission WHILE I WAS INSIDE THE HOUSE.
6 years ago
i talked to mm about it once and they shrinked away and left the very next day
6 years ago
now this week
6 years ago
oh boy
6 years ago
so mm just graduated. and her entire fucking family's here -- dad, mom, grandma, cousin, her, and they're just in the vacant room, the living room, mm's room, etc. her mom cleaned up everything and took some of my stuff, claimed it was mm's. i just found out they threw out our old water dispenser and bought new moriatic acid and they're taking it all away
6 years ago
simply put: they replaced our old stuff with new stuff, but they are, exclusively, mm's, and they're gonna take it all away.
6 years ago
i was pissed. i gathered up all my shit and put them in my room. mm was using one of my curtains, so i nabbed it from her room. i just took literally everything i own and put them inside my room.
6 years ago
while i was doing this, her mother was all passive-aggressive at me... but then she seemed to have gotten pissed, and she said that if i bumped into any of mm's stuff, she's gonna throw a fit.
jill grahamyao
6 years ago
god this kind of shit drives me insane, like when parents of spoiled and entitled ADULTS decide to wade into their lives and tell other adults what to do
6 years ago
i called my mom about it. my mom was like "no, that's not allowed." we took it to the landlady. the landlady offered me the house they vacated for the weekend (bc they were gonna leave on sunday)
6 years ago
GOD I KNOW!!!! she's acting like, she could touch everything lmao??? even stuff that isn't hers??? the agreement was between me and two other adults. it wasn't 2 adults + 1 mother LMAO
6 years ago
asia's traditional so she's acting like just bc she's older, she has more authority. um, bitch, sorry to tell you, but i dont follow that lmao 8") i dont care how old you are. do not touch my things.
jill grahamyao
6 years ago
6 years ago
god, the nerve of this woman fksapof
6 years ago
cant believe i got threatened for moving my own goddamn stuff
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
i will fight her
6 years ago
i already did and that's why she was being a bitch tbh
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
6 years ago
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
i keep hearing horror stories of roomates tho and it makes me Worry
6 years ago
my hot life tip is that if ur rooming with a weeaboo make sure they're really mature because even at normal levels they're dangerous and chaotic
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
but what if im the weeaboo trash
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
bur yeah that makes sense. the couple roomates i did have that were into video games were really nice
6 years ago
ive lived w ppl from the anime club and they're super duper bad at basic consideration. they'll play their music loud, they'll talk loud, they'll use their stuff, they'll inconvenience and everybody, and then act like the victim
6 years ago
i think it's bc at the base level they think they don't matter and their actions don't affect other people, and that's super dangerous when living with them
6 years ago
one of them conned us for a year, another one kept dropping out of school and delaying payments, and this last one just straight up steals my shit and acts like it's her house
6 years ago
also we kicked this one girl out bc she bought and neglected a rabbit, and she had the basic hygiene of a pig. i had to clean up period blood on the bathroom floor bc she wouldnt even flush them into the drain??
6 years ago
ultimately any sort of person can be a good and bad roommate. i think u should look for someone that have more of a sense of personal responsibility than an insecure person, because they'll know about boundaries more
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
Corpse Sniffer
6 years ago
but yeah im looking at off campus housing and i do at least know im a very quiet person myself, i only make noise when im playing videos out loud
6 years ago
im pretty quiet too. im not the most fun roommate but im very particular about boundaries, and as long as you establish ur own and respect theirs then it should be fine.
6 years ago
don't ever breach boundaries but don't ever let them breach yours either. everyone should have an equal amount of share wrt shared resources too
6 years ago
6 years ago
we had a pretty intense argument before i moved all my stuff to my room
6 years ago
m o o d
6 years ago
the only reason i have to boil water on the stove bc these shitheads broke my microwave kettle
6 years ago
i have the patience of a saint
6 years ago
i do try to talk to them but mm is a compulsive liar lmao
6 years ago
she accidentally smashed my glass and never fessed up but it was like, neatly swept in the garbage bag. oh u mean to tell me it mysteriously fell in there and smashed itself?
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