6 years ago
I wanna see everyone’s opinion about this... my internship I feel is overworking me, especially today. I had to leave An hour early today for a doctors appointment. Important.
latest #7
6 years ago
I didn’t finish processing one new hire... takes about...20 minutes? So I take my hour and a half commute back home on the train back to NJ and am told to complete my work home. I’m not even getting paid for this.
6 years ago
I forgot to input one number... okay I get an email saying I made too many mistakes today. Sorry. After being given THREE new projects, had a meeting with one of your fucking EXECUTIVES as an INTERN being paid $14 an hour. I’m doing the work of someone getting paid 80k.
6 years ago
I am literally the head of HR at NYC. I’m the only HR person there. The other lives in Chicago, works at home, and the director lives in LA and works at home.
6 years ago
The point of being an intern is getting experience and building your resume, in exchange you do the work for free or in your case, a lower hourly wage. They are holding you to the standards you will be held to once you graduate. It’s very common to stay late or make up hours at home if you have a personal appointment.
6 years ago
If they are being rude/mean about these things that’s a separate issue, but the expectations seem fairly standard to me.
❤ Brie ❤
6 years ago
yeah it sucks sweetpea but it is how it is. this experience will set you up for success in the future
6 years ago
leeleelyric: I guess so, I think I was just overwhelmed. My previous internship did not require this much work at all hahahahaha but they have mentioned a few times they are thinking long term with me.
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