6 years ago
[Current Geopolitical Climate|Warm Take|45]
latest #13
6 years ago
jogs in
6 years ago
Hey folks.
6 years ago
I think the president wants to start a war with or join in a war against European nations.
6 years ago
6 years ago
walks off-camera
I swear he's gonna fuck everything up so much to make it as difficult as possible for the next person who'll have to clean up his shit
You know like how people blamed Obama for the mess that Dubya made
6 years ago
Something in a CNN article I glanced at made me literally stop everything I was doing and just sit there, staring at my phone’s screen. It hypothesized that future attempts by the senate to pass restrictive legislation will face an uphill battle against Trump’s opposition.
6 years ago
I’ve just had a bad feeling ever since.
6 years ago
I spoke more in depth about it on Facebook. It’s X-Files grade conspiracy theory but I just can’t stop thinking about everything I’ve noticed. I didn’t even have to dig for it; he just tells us. Like a literal evil villain, broadcasting clear intent with his words and actions, laughing while the hero strapped to the bomb struggles.
6 years ago
citygrit Good point! That is absolutely going to be a thing. And I am SO not looking forward to it. Especially because everyone’ll be cursing Trump’s name on his way out, sure. ...and the people- all of his supporters, will have an opportunity to slink back into the shadows. Put on a smile and suppress their racism and sexism and all that ugly shit.
6 years ago
Thank goodness for sites like the racism watchdog twitter.
6 years ago
Aaah great. The Doomsday Clock is at 2 minutes to midnight. The last time it was there was 1953. It's been sixty-five years.
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