6 years ago
Missy's surgery went well! I'm taking her to her normal vet this morning to get looked over and get antibiotics and all that. This now puts the number of surgeries trying to fix the leg she damaged in the car acccident before I adopted her to 4. She has a go fund me to help the unexpected more recent medical costs: Click here to support Pre-adoption injury medical co...
latest #12
6 years ago
Thanks to everyone who replurked my last post and all. I appreciate it a lot.
6 years ago
And thanks to anyone who donated. That means the world.
Poor Missy, glad it went well
i replurked, i'll try to see if i can donate just a little to help ♥️ i know how stressful this is, artie's vet costs were a nightmare
Ashen Key
6 years ago
donated! and replurked this plurk because it has the gofundme link at the top
6 years ago
6 years ago
We're waiting for her normal vet to open and she won't stop whimpering. My poor bb
6 years ago
ashavah: thank you!
6 years ago
ashenkey: thank you so, so much ash. ❤️❤️❤️
6 years ago
bexxen: even if you can't and just get word out, that's still something and means something. Hell, good thoughts mean a hell of a lot right now too
6 years ago
I haven't even had her for a year yet and I was afraid I was going to lose her because of a decision I had made to try and help her
you're doing your best for her and doing a great job
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