6 years ago
[INTRO] in lieu of CR meme this month, it occurs to me I've never done an intro plurk, so here's one of those!
latest #14
6 years ago
much as I enjoy remaining an enigma wrapped in a mystery, it's probably time~
6 years ago
I'm Merr! It's a nickname. I got it in high school.
6 years ago
I play Wanda Langkowski at Fasti, and am kinda shopping around for other games because I don't think I can handle more than one character per?
6 years ago
She/her, Canadian, clinging to the last few months of my twenties.
6 years ago
I work in the service department of an automotive dealership, mostly evenings, so my tagging times tend to fall somewhere between 6PM and 4AM MST
6 years ago
I really love comics! Lots of comics! Marvel was traditionally my home turf, but I've largely fallen off that wagon amid the constant relaunches and branched out into other things~
6 years ago
Current favs include IDW's Ghostbusters (perfection), The Wicked + The Divine (so pretentious but so good), Stray Bullets (forever fav), Paper Girls, and I've been slowly digging my way into 2000AD (DAUNTING).
6 years ago
I'm also really into Archie Comics for some reason, James Bond anything, Mass Effect, David Lynch movies, and Better Call Saul owns my entire ass
6 years ago
I'm also slowly working my way through #OscarQuest, on ongoing attempt to watch every film ever nominated for... an Oscar. Obviously. It's kind of an open-ended project.
6 years ago
I have a very old cat. Her name is Bub.
6 years ago
that's about it, AMA
6 years ago
Have you been reading Champions at all?
6 years ago
I have not! That's the one where Alpha Flight showed up to intro the new Inuk hero, right?
6 years ago
Yes! It’s a really good book.
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