✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
haha justice
latest #18
rina ♥ says
15 years ago
you are a jackass whoever you are. putang ina, unta mamatai ka, lecheng yawaa ka!
Kelli-wa says
15 years ago
you know what. getting someone's facebook deleted because you can't be mature enough to handle the fact that what you did is sick, then
Kelli-wa says
15 years ago
you just need to get over yourself and move on.
Kelli-wa says
15 years ago
i don't care who you are or what you do, but i do care what you do to my friends, and that was not cool.
JHoward says
15 years ago
haha awesome. Who's account did you get deleted?
Meggie says
15 years ago
Really hun you need to talk to someone about this, you very obviously have severe identity problems
rina ♥ says
15 years ago
are you seriously SO ugly, that you have to make up like 7 identities to get friends? that is SO sad. i pity you, jackass
Kelli-wa says
15 years ago
we're not retarded. we know that 'koby' and 'jake' were both you.
15 years ago
JHoward says
15 years ago
haha awesome. They hate you, YET they still have you as a friend, can some one give a a awesome amen one time.
JHoward says
15 years ago
Oh and btw, Have any cops came knockin' on your door kobs?
JHoward says
15 years ago
Don't worry kid, Haters make you Famous.
✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
You know whatever. I don't care about any of this shit anymore lol. I've moved on and you guys should to. That include everyone.
✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
If you guys don't like me anymore, big whoop come on girls. Grow up geez.
✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
I don't waste my time stalking you guys so I ask for the flavor in return. I've moved on and made new friends and a new rp site. Maybe its
✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
time that you guys did too. Thanks for the past months though, you guys were actually cool then. It doesn't take much to be big kids & just
✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
deleted us from your plurks if you don't like what we have to say. No one is stopping you, thankies!
✖zerøspace✖ says
15 years ago
Oh and ps. don't know what you guys are talking about someones account deleted but I didnt do it. I'm above that heeh
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