6 years ago
Characters’ socioeconomic status
latest #10
6 years ago
Luke is well off though he isn’t one to be money hungry. He probably inherited some of his father’s assets, or at least I like that idea. He was able to commission Jade’s Sabre. I wouldn’t say he’s rich exactly but not poor either. I imagine a lot of wedding stuff may have been favors too despite him being too modest to ask for any.
6 years ago
Han and Leia are probably rich from Leia’s inheritance or whatever escaped Alderaan. Han is interesting starting as a poor orphan and moving up.
6 years ago
Kate and John are in a world where those things don’t exist so their only thing is being on top of the Resistance totem pole.
6 years ago
Mac: Typical working guy who manages in NYC but meh.
6 years ago
Of course tv detectives never have money issues much it seems lol
6 years ago
Ditto Nick. The only rich person on that team was Cath after Sam left her casino stuff. Nick was pretty average.
6 years ago
Ax is...tricky because he’s alien. He did have the war hero thing at the war’s end but mostly lower middle I suppose
6 years ago
Nick Knight is secretly rich and tries to hide it because as a vampire he’s had 800 years to save and doesn’t want questions
6 years ago
Lucy is from a middle class family cause Danny and Lindsay were detectives like Mac. And lastly my OC Alyssa is from a world where money isn’t all that important. Dinotopians work and often make or build or grow for themselves and help each other out a lot. They all live simply.
6 years ago
Oh and Cade just gets by however he can...he was never rich.
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