15 years ago
can someone enlighten me again whats definitions?
latest #15
@de says
15 years ago
mercy said few days ago that definitions are define by urself
nelSie says
15 years ago
okay.. i shall hv tt soon
mscranky says
15 years ago
nelly why wonder abt such things.
mscranky says
15 years ago
dont follow the norms. sometimes it s gd to define yrself. then you d live a happier life (:
mscranky says
15 years ago
nelSie says
15 years ago
hahahaa. ya lo.. tts y i wonder whats definitions. i need to define it myself. cause happiness tt comes from within is the best :-D
mscranky says
15 years ago
yes nelly YOU GO GIRL. mai emo
nelSie says
15 years ago
hahhaha.. is u mai emo la.. i nt emo. yoghurt is gd for body :-) i stress ft tmr.
mscranky says
15 years ago
i mai worry. not my emo. hais. so many things happen. how to not owrry. i wish i can. but i cant. tired. hais. jiayou
nelSie says
15 years ago
hmm.. worrying is easy. nt to worry is hard. bt think abt it.. does worrying, bring u somewhere else? nt easy still though. u jia you too
nelSie says
15 years ago
sleep early la tdy
mscranky says
15 years ago
but sometimes u cant ignore sm things. i am the queen of ignoring. but all these are too hard to ignore
nelSie says
15 years ago
hmm.. okay.. :-) bt no matter wd, be happy! :-D
mscranky says
15 years ago
hahaha kadang kadang susah. but u know i am optimistic. i just need to let it go awhile. then i ll be fine.
nelSie says
15 years ago
haha.. tts a gd beginning.. knowing tt u r optimistic :-)
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