The Sergeant Is Fucking Pissed
it's okay, sarge is in the company of similarly pissed people
we can all be pissed here
y'all can be pissed on sakura's behalf
Kino is being especially useless now and I apologize
Sarge are you implying she has never destroyed a country because um, I have news for you
He knows she has, but he wants more of that
I can't believe Niwa is the one saving us all
Niwa couldn't either, believe me
i'm just laughing at the sarge's response because
I can’t believe Clarisse was supposed to make people WANT to copy her behavior.
in retrospect what I can't believe is that sakura's enrichment was nonzero
She did get tempted to volunteer for execution at one point....
Pretend there's such minor items around in the workshop
believes in all of you from the middle of nowhere
try not to tie the votes because there's four of you
Love that Oso now trusts the Sarge more than Niwa LMAO
weren't we joking about robert being the mastermind at one point
i hope thy put soemthing like Breathe
ah, that way everyone except olympia can have a medal
Wow, robot rights??? Hello????
Cian's grown very enthusiastic about robot rights for some fucking reason
(actually, if you take eo3's narration at face value, olympia apparently does breathe???)
every time you guys joked about robert being the mastermind, we had a chuckle
nick worked VERY hard to make his PB look like it had natural coloring too, so it wouldn't stand out from the others too much. he's been doing amazing work.
he really did a great job
both Oso and Kino know what they're about
just sweats nervously because of sakura's powers
let her steal Hawks' powers
im cryign this trial lmao
she SHOULD steal hawks's powers
everyone should. Winged Clone Army
Better make sure the dead living and brainwashed fit those parameters
The epilogue will be available after this is done!
Also real quick: Does this mean we get to know why Sarge hated Clarisse so much?
It was revealed in trial, indirectly! Clarisse was brought in to influence people to do bad, but instead she killed one of the people Sarge thought had the best potential to become enriched... and also inspired exactly nobody.
She was so inconvenient for everything
And I'll always be amused about that
nidorina Way to make Clarisse go against everything Sarge wanted
Definitely a thorn on everyone's side to the end
i think it's funny that gant was apparently more of an attempt at a good influence purely because he wanted people to stop destroying the places he could be a hedonist at
i cant believe everyone is AFO
instructions unclear, got a candlestick stuck in the hero kid
But yeah, honestly, every time someone wanted to do something destructive, every time someone volunteered for an execution, so many player-created things that happened all this time...
Because most of them fit in Sarge's intentions so well
'this group corrupts itself, wow'
Gotta decide if Niwa is getting wings too or not before I post 8|a
im still cracking up at niwa...
Trying to gank other people's powers is canon
JUUNI TAISEN SPOILERS BUT ..................
She cozied up to the dog specifically so he would give her his power-up and then she used it to crush his skull