5 years ago
Alright, what's next on your bucket list?
latest #48
5 years ago
Visit Seattle againn
5 years ago
jessicalucie: Whoa, what's that?
5 years ago
Sasscassmiddles: I love Seattle, it's a gorgeous city and at least two of my favourite people live there
5 years ago
My dream is Def to live there. It's like the opposite of Florida. I hate the heat here so badly
We went two years ago and I haven't wanted to live anywhere else since then
5 years ago
The twine ball....whutttttt
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
moving to a bigger apartment so we can get a dog
5 years ago
Baconpants: What kind of dog?
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
something medium sized so my kid can look after it. I would love to get a therapy dog for him but we’ll check the shelters first
5 years ago
Paris again or Tokyo someday. but moving to a house that's not so much work would be more reasonable
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
he’s not keen on being home alone due to high anxiety so a dog would make him only technically alone
5 years ago
Baconpants: Do therapy dogs automatically qualify as service animals, or do they need to be certified there?
5 years ago
KaidyD: Paris is gorgeous (minus the recent riots) and Tokyo is like a neon-glow machine lol. What's wrong with the house currently?
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
You can register anything but I’d want to buy one bred and trained for it. They run a few hundred more than adoption fees but it might be worth it.
5 years ago
Baconpants: If you really need the training and certainty of mind, then for sure. Those animals are heavily invested in to make sure they provide best possible care, and the thresholds of certification should be extremely high in almost any country
5 years ago
5 years ago
liquidhell: i went to to Paris about 20 years ago. I loved it and I've been aching to go back. Current house is a nightmare fixer upper. Every small project turns into a costly pain in the ass. Swap out light switches? No we need to have the switch rewired first
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
Service dogs and therapy dogs are not the same. Service dogs are certified and all that but therapy dogs are more for emotional support which is why it’s lax.
5 years ago
KaidyD: This is why I refuse to buy a house right now, they are black holes of money. Unfortunately, the real estate values just creep up nonstop here, so I'll probably take that money and go visit Paris and Tokyo :-D
(((Cajsa))) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Hopefully winning my appeal with my insurance company for the equipment my doc recommended. After that, continuing to seek affordable housing
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
But if your dog is already support then you can register it. But I’ve never had a dog of my own lol so I’d let a pro do it
5 years ago
CajsaLilliehook: There sounds like a story behind that! When did this happen?
5 years ago
Baconpants: Yup, also don't be afraid to ask questions even if you think its stupid. Oh, and get pet insurance. Srsly.
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
Will do
5 years ago
liquidhell: we bought because the apartments we were in jacked up the rent and a mortgage was cheaper. i don't regret buying...i only regret buying THIS house
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
compete in a cosplay competition. i'm hoping to do one next year if i can find the time to finally finish a couple ones
5 years ago
annettev: Do you still hula hoop?
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
not as much but I'm trying to get back into it next year too lol, i just haven't found a scene for here
5 years ago
annettev: Haha fair enough. Did you move?
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
yup! moved back to ga in march, temporary situation so I'll prob be moving again in a year or two
5 years ago
annettev: That's great! And you used to be really good at cosplay, I'm glad you're sticking with it. It looked really fun! How's other stuff going?
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
aw thank you <3 it's going! just taking everything one day at a time and trying out different paths. how about you? I'm glad to see you on plurk even if its just for a day lol
5 years ago
Can't say I'm cosplaying anything lolol
5 years ago
I worked a lot leading up to this xmas break. I travelled a bit too, which I guess could be on my bucket list for 2019 also.
5 years ago
Wasn't that a nice segue? ;-)
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
ooooh time for a US tour? maybe corrupt you into doing cosplay too
5 years ago
annettev: Haha, I would like to return to the US sometime, but I've done it twice now, and there's so many other places I haven't yet. So admittedly, I'll probably try to tackle those first if possible.
5 years ago
Maybe after you don't have a 4yo oompa loompa on his high-chair throne anymore
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
omg wat is there a bb
5 years ago
Talking about your commander in chief there
5 years ago
So yes. There is a baby.
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
OH THAT ONE LOL pls don't remind me, i'm just trying to sleep until 2020
5 years ago
❄ annette ❄
5 years ago
2 real
5 years ago
Next bucket list is to vacation with K on a solo us only trip. We have camped but I want to do something that doesn’t require as much work. Maybe do a mini road trip.
(((Cajsa))) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Last week. It should be fine. It's silly, they subcontract evaluating authorizations to another company who does not have access to their records.
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