according to my "reblog if" memes, Tumblr RP has 38 lesbians and 273 (and counting) murderers
latest #11
I myself have one of each.
if I ever get my Dottie muse up and running, she'll be both!
ooh! Is this Agent Carter Dottie because if so gimme
it IS I love her to itty bits and I wish I didn't have to you know. rewatch all of Agent Carter to review
How so, the second season was a little disappointing but I still loved that show
I loved it too but s2 was such a trainwreck /o\
also watching things is Work
not if you watch it on the background while doing other things
it's good enough for reviewing
...I say that but it took me a week to watch all of the Stardust movie recently for fic review
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